Friday, May 4, 2012

Costume Design

Costume design is so much fun! It’s a little like creating pieces for a catwalk but in this case the runway is a stage in a theatre. The same way fashion designers go wild and expressive when designing their catwalk pieces, we do the same in costume design when creating pieces for the stage. Costumes in themselves are dead but when you have the character dress in them, something magical happens – the costume comes alive.
Here are images of some of the costumes we have produced for stage.

Kismet staged by the Kenya Conservatoire of Music
Click here to read more about the play
The main fabrics used for these costumes were organdy,satins and tafetta. 

Village Musicals by Kijiji Entertainment
Click here to read more about the musicals

Village Christmas 2011 - the main fabrics used for these costumes were polyester blends for the actresses and cotton for the actors. We used lots of colour to portray different characters in the play.

 Village Easter 2012 - the main fabric used in this play was chiffon to portray sensuality in the actresses.Cotton was the fabric of choice for the male characters and one of the female characters.

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