Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Common Wardrobe Mistakes

Even the best dressed among us make what we call ‘fashion faux paus’. Simply put, fashion mistake or what I prefer to call a wardrobe mistake.  These wardrobe mistakes are so common and very few if any are exempt, myself included.

Let’s look at a few common wardrobe mistakes and how to avoid them

Clothes that don’t fit right – Most of us have fallen victim to this. Sometimes the outfit looks so good you ignore the fact that it does not fit right. There is an article that elaborates further on how to tell well fitting clothes http://bit.ly/xOGMNz


S    Showing a little too much skin – There is always something classy about a woman who does notshow too much skin. Less is more….

·         ‘Kenya uniform’ – this happens when you buy outfits that have been mass produced and are made available in the stores or even the streets. Take time to shop and look out for those items that you can tell are unique and not necessarily ‘in fashion’. This applies to fabrics as well, pick out those that have stayed longer at the shop as opposed to new stocks. You could also hunt for second hand fabric, that way you have a higher chance of picking out something unique.

·         Visible panty lines – this is so not cool and thankfully there is many ways to prevent this from happening. You could wear panties that have thin or no hemlines, boy legs or thongs. The other option is to wear an outfit that is not too tight that it will show your panty line.

·         Visible bra straps - this goes for both the shoulder straps and the back straps. The shoulder strap showing is forgivable; the back strap is a huge no- no.

·         Visible inner wear – this usually happens when wearing low rise jeans. A belt will stop your jeans from riding too low. To avoid this you could also wear tuck in a matching top into your jeans to cover your inner wear.

·         Over accessorizing – Too much jewellery is more of a wardrobe mistake than a fashion statement. You can tastefully choose jewellery that is blingy but not overpowering.

·         Too much make up – this is also a no- no. Make up should enhance your features and not necessarily change your whole appearance.

·         Clothes that make you uncomfortable – Anything that you feel the need to pull down or pull up or continually straighten is probably a wardrobe mistake.

·         Plastic shoes – You know the ones I’m talking about. These pieces are comfortable, very comfortable but they more often than not ruin or cheapen your outfit and look. Invest in neat looking flats that you can wear with many outfits as opposed to plastic shoes.

Be the different one, the few among many who will avoid these common wardrobe mistakes. All the best! 

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