Saturday, February 4, 2012

Don't wear red on Valentine’s Day – Some opinions from Kenyan men and women.

We were curious about what people actually think about wearing the colour red on Valentine’s Day. So we carried out a very unscientific poll to find out what guys thought of their girlfriends or dates wearing red on that day. The results were quite interesting. 

60% of the guys we talked to said they really do not care what colour their girlfriends or dates will wear on that day as long as they look good. Another 40% however would appreciate if she wore a different colour. Some of the comments were “I do not really care what colour she wears as long as she smells good and does not have a funny looking hairstyle on her head”, “Red is overrated and everything else will be red anyway”, “Colour wouldn’t be a big issue for me as long as she looks good”,   “Red is over done on that day and is kinda corny”.

There ladies, you heard it, a majority of the men care nothing for the colour you will wear on Valentine’s Day as long as you look really good. And we could probably stretch this a little and go on to say that a majority of the men do not quite care what colours you wear on any day as long you get the colour combinations right and the overall look is smashing.

We also asked the ladies what they thought about their boyfriends or dates wearing red on that day and 100% yes 100% said they would not want their boyfriends/dates in red on that day. Some of the comments were “By no means should my guy wear red. How now?”, “I do not want my man in a red shirt on valentines, too cliché”.

Guys, you heard it as well. The ladies do not want you in red on Valentines day.
Now that we know what colours to wear or not to wear. Here are some outfit ideas for the guys

  • Layering – You can try layering your outfits for example, on a cold night out you can wear your favourite shirt, a thin sweater and a timeless jacket.
  • Accessorize – A nice neat wrist watch will be enough if you are not an accessories kind of guy but if you love the bling then you can add a chain, a ring or an ear stud. But do not wear all the three together; it will look a little off. Trust us on this one, we have been speaking to the ladies.
  • Shoes –  A good pair of shoes will always complement your outfit.

Here are some outfit ideas for the ladies

  • That LBD is perfect for this Valentines. The coolest thing about the little black dress or in some quarters, the long black dress is that you can easily accessorize. Black also creates a slimming effect allowing you to accentuate your good points.
  • Lace can also be quite something for this valentines. A decent lace outfit can totally work in your favour.
  • Chiffons are always good picks especially if you are going for an elegant look. A nice chiffon dress can work for both day and night. Chiffon is also readily available in fabric shops and you can design your own dress and have it tailored before Valentines.
  • If you are not too big on the girly look, a pair of fitting jeans and a stunning top will work. Don’t forget the accessories.

Whatever colour you decide to wear on that day, rock it with confidence! Confidence is the final accessory to your chosen look.

Happy Valentines!

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