Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Make A Statement With Your Own Jewellery

DIY fabric necklace  

Fashion is not just about clothes but accessories as well. Accessories add sugar and spice to the outfit. A little like the icing on the cake, the tomatoes in a burger, the painting on a wall or a bright spot in an otherwise dull day.

Today, I’ll be blogging about how to make your own cool accessories. I used to do this when I was younger and an article that I have just come across has brought fond memories of me making jewellery.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Costume Design

Costume design is so much fun! It’s a little like creating pieces for a catwalk but in this case the runway is a stage in a theatre. The same way fashion designers go wild and expressive when designing their catwalk pieces, we do the same in costume design when creating pieces for the stage. Costumes in themselves are dead but when you have the character dress in them, something magical happens – the costume comes alive.
Here are images of some of the costumes we have produced for stage.

Kismet staged by the Kenya Conservatoire of Music
Click here to read more about the play
The main fabrics used for these costumes were organdy,satins and tafetta.